Vanuatu Citizenship by Investment Program


 Vanuatu: A Portal to Global Citizenship

With today's global connectivity, possessing a second citizenship is a game-saver. It brings a wide range of advantages, ranging from enhanced travel mobility to enhanced business prospects. If you want a convenient and speedy route to citizenship, Vanuatu is one to consider. This Pacific island country has a citizenship by investment scheme that can provide you with a passport in just 60 days.

Why Vanuatu?

Vanuatu's citizenship program is the most uncomplicated and effective in the world. With an investment of as little as $130,000, you can obtain a Vanuatu passport, which allows visa-free travel to more than 130 nations, including the UK, Europe, and Australia.

Advantages of Vanuatu Citizenship

Freedom to Travel: Get to travel visa-free to many countries, perfect for business travelers, remote workers, and thrill-seekers.

Tax Benefits: Vanuatu is a tax-free haven and can be a great choice for those looking to reduce their tax burden.

Business Opportunities: Your Vanuatu passport will open up the world as a business destination and allow you to access new markets.

Security and Stability: Vanuatu is a stable democracy with a solid economy, offering a secure place for you and your loved ones to settle.

The Application Process

The process of applying for Vanuatu citizenship is smooth and hassle-free. Here's the step-by-step procedure:

Initial Application: Provide your application and supporting documents, such as a police certificate, a medical certificate, and documentary evidence of investment.

Due Diligence: Pass a detailed background screening to check if you are eligible for the program.

Investment: Invest in an approved project, i.e., real estate or a business.

Citizenship Approval: Get approval for your application for citizenship and swear allegiance.

Passport Issuance: Receive your Vanuatu passport and bask in the joy of your new citizenship.


Vanuatu's program for citizenship by investment provides an exclusive chance to obtain a second citizenship in a short and simple process. With its countless advantages, such as travel freedom, tax favors, and business ventures, Vanuatu presents a desirable choice for individuals wanting to widen their international prospects.

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