Mauritius Visit Strengthens India Ties


 Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Mauritian Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth, also referred to as PM Ramgoolam, recently visited a joint press conference in Mauritius. This major event focused on the growing relationship between India and Mauritius, with topics including bilateral ties, economic cooperation, and cultural exchange.

PM Modi, in the conference, reiterated India's resolve to assisting Mauritius on its path to development, commending the country's strategic significance in the Indian Ocean. PM Modi was also thankful for the unflinching support Mauritius has shown for India's candidature to international organizations.

The two leaders spoke on several fields of cooperation, ranging from trade and investment to education and healthcare. They also touched on the need for people-to-people ties, with PM Modi making plans to open an Indian Cultural Centre in Mauritius.

PM Jugnauth responded to PM Modi's sentiments, commending India's efforts in enhancing regional security and stability. He also thanked India for its support in several development initiatives, ranging from infrastructure, renewable energy, and human resource development.

The joint press conference was a milestone in the India-Mauritius relationship as it reflected the increasing cooperation between the two countries. As PM Modi left Mauritius, he reaffirmed India's determination to further enhance bilateral relations and seek fresh opportunities for cooperation.

This visit reaffirmed the need for diplomatic contact and collaboration between countries, stressing the possibility of mutual development and progress. The India-Mauritius alliance is a brilliant example of South-South cooperation, showing the strength of partnership and friendship between countries.

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