Elderly Health Risks of Coconut Water


 The Hidden Risks of Coconut Water for Older Adults: An Expert Sounds Off

As summer nears, coconut water has been an increasing favorite thirst quencher of people from all walks of life. Experts, however, caution that older adults should be careful when they drink coconut water. Why?

According to health professionals, coconut water is harmful to older adults because it contains high levels of potassium. With age, kidneys are less effective at removing excess potassium, which can cause a condition called hyperkalemia.

The Risks of Hyperkalemia

Hyperkalemia happens when potassium concentration in the blood goes beyond normal. This leads to a variety of symptoms ranging from muscle weakness and fatigue to heart palpitations. In severe conditions, hyperkalemia may even cause cardiac arrest.

Other Issues with Older People

Aside from the potential for causing hyperkalemia, coconut water also tends to worsen underlying health problems of older people. For instance:

Kidney Stones: Coconut water has high oxalate content, a substance that enhances the formation of kidney stones. Elderly persons with kidney stone history must avoid coconut water.

Digestive Issues: Coconut water is rich in fiber, which may cause gastrointestinal distress, bloating, and gas in some people. Elderly individuals with existing gastrointestinal problems must be careful about consuming coconut water.

Expert Advice

So, what can elderly people do to be safe yet reap the rewards of coconut water? Here are some tips from the experts:

Consult a Doctor: Elderly people should first consult their doctor before drinking coconut water, particularly if they have medical conditions or are on medications.

Monitor Potassium Levels: There should be regular blood tests done to check the levels of potassium and spot any problems at an early stage.

Consume Moderately: When coconut water is being consumed, it must be consumed moderately. Elderly patients need to keep the consumption low with small amounts (approximately 1-2 cups daily) and not excessively. 


Although coconut water may be a healthy and refreshing drink for most, older adults need to be careful when drinking it. By knowing the possible risks and taking measures to avoid them, older adults can reap the rewards of coconut water while remaining safe and healthy.

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