Beat the Heat: Avoid these Common Air Cooler Mistakes this Summer
With the hot summer season nearing, air coolers will become a necessary appliance for most Indian homes. But if not used and maintained correctly, their performance is diminished, increasing power consumption and decreasing cooling efficiency. In this article, we look at common mistakes to be avoided while using an air cooler to keep you cool and comfortable this summer.
Error 1: Inadequate Water Level
One of the most frequent errors that individuals commit is failing to keep the ideal water level in their air cooler. When the water level is too low, the pads of the cooler might not be able to draw and distribute the water efficiently, lowering the cooling efficiency. Conversely, if the water level is too high, it can cause water leakage and cooler damage.
Mistake 2: Poor Airflow
Air coolers need good airflow to work optimally. Nevertheless, most individuals position their coolers in such a manner that they block airflow, making them less effective. To prevent this error, position your air cooler in an area with good ventilation, and there should be at least 3-4 feet of space around it on all sides.
Mistake 3: Not Cleaning the Cooler
Regular maintenance and cleaning are essential to make your air cooler perform at its best. Not cleaning the pads, tank, and other components of the cooler can cause dust, dirt, and bacteria to build up, making the cooler less effective and even causing health problems.
Mistake 4: Using Tap Water
Using tap water for your air cooler can result in mineral deposits and scaling, causing the cooler's performance and longevity to be impaired. To prevent this error, use filtered or distilled water for your air cooler, particularly if you have hard water in your area.
Mistake 5: Overloading the Cooler
Overloading your air cooler with too many individuals or operating it in an extremely large room can decrease its efficiency. To prevent this error, make sure that your air cooler is of the right size for the room and the number of individuals occupying it.
Tips for Maximum Air Cooler Efficiency
Check and maintain the ideal water level regularly.
Provide adequate airflow by positioning the cooler in a well-ventilated space.
Regularly clean the cooler's pads, tank, and other components.
Utilize filtered or distilled water to prevent mineral deposits and scaling.
Properly size the cooler for the room and number of users.
By eschewing these usual errors and abiding by the above-mentioned tips, you can rest assured that your air cooler operates in top-notch form, providing you with comfort and coolness all summer long.