Bangladesh Removes India's Role from Textbooks


 Bangladesh's education ministry has made some substantial revisions to its textbooks, erasing all mentions of India's involvement in the 1971 Bangladesh Liberation War. The new textbooks no longer include India's assistance during the war, which resulted in the independence of Bangladesh from Pakistan.

The new books have also dropped references to the war effort contributed by Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. The emphasis has shifted to that contributed by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the founder father and first president of Bangladesh.

These alterations have been a source of concern for some educators and historians, who claim that the changes distort the nation's history and dilute the value of India's contributions to the war.

The decision is regarded as one to reorient the history of Bangladesh and advance a more nationalist version of events. Critics, however, say it can have adverse effects, including prolonging disinformation and eroding the nation's relations with neighboring nations.

The revisions to the textbooks also challenged what political role should be played by politics in interpreting history. Historical facts, according to some, should be presented neutrally, not skewed or manipulated, to enable future generations to get it right regarding the history of their country.

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