The Unraveling of American Soft Power: How Chaotic Foreign Policy Paved the Way for China's Rise
America under Donald Trump's presidency saw its foreign policy significantly alter course. The chaotic and unpredictable foreign policy not only dissipated America's soft power but also opened up a power vacuum that was swiftly filled by China.
A Departure from Traditional Diplomacy
Trump's foreign policy was characterized by a deviation from conventional diplomacy, with an emphasis on unilateralism and transactional relations. This led to the reduction of America's global power, as partners and allies started questioning the reliability and consistency of US policy ¹.
The Erosion of American Soft Power
Soft power, which was coined by Joseph Nye, is the ability of a country to get what it wants through attraction and persuasion, as opposed to coercion or force. During Trump's time, America's soft power took a big hit, as the reputation of the country was marred by scandals and controversies.
China's Rise to Prominence
When America's power diminished, China believed that it could promote its own world leadership. With strategic investment, diplomatic efforts, and its support for multilateralism, China has succeeded in establishing a system of alliances and partnerships that have improved its world position.
The Implications of America's Decline
The erosion of American soft power has far-reaching consequences for stability and global governance. As America relinquishes leadership, other players are moving into the gap. This realignment of the world's balance of power can bring with it added competition and violence, as states compete for power and resources.
The disordered foreign policy of the Trump regime has had deep-reaching effects on America's position in the world. While the US struggles to find its legs again, China keeps growing, using its own form of soft power to create relationships and partnerships globally. The effects of this change are immense, and how the international community will evolve in response remains to be seen.