Turkey-US Relations Hit by F-35 Jet Offer to India


 Turkey's President Erdogan will probably be upset by the latest turn of events in the foreign policy of the United States. In a shocking turn of events, former US President Donald Trump gave India the F-35 stealth fighter jet, the same plane that Ankara was denied by the US.

This sale is a massive blow to Turkey's military aspirations and its relationship with the US. The F-35 stealth fighter aircraft is an extremely sophisticated plane that would greatly bolster India's military strength. The fact that the US is now proposing this plane to India, after refusing to do so with Turkey, is an open indicator of the changing dynamics in the region.

The US had previously withheld from selling the F-35 to Turkey on the grounds of Ankara's acquisition of the Russian S-400 missile defense system. The move was considered to be a severe blow to Turkey's military modernization initiatives. Now, with the US proposing the sale of the F-35 to India, Turkey's military aspirations are hitting another serious setback.

Erdogan's administration has been attempting to walk through the intricately woven international politics, but this recent development will surely bring major anxiety to Ankara. The Turkish administration will have to reconsider its plans for modernizing the military and weigh alternative options for military build-up.

Meanwhile, India stands to gain a lot from this proposal. The F-35 stealth fighter aircraft would be a huge asset to India's military, boosting its capabilities and tremendously augmenting its national security. The Indian government will surely be keen on closing the deal and incorporating the F-35 into India's armed forces.

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