Turkey Expands Asian Influence with Defense Deals


 The Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, is expected to go on a very important trip to Asia where he plans to strengthen defense deals with Malaysia, Indonesia, and Pakistan. The visit is likely to increase Turkey's influence in the area as well as help secure profitable partnerships.

Erdogan during his trip will try to obtain defense cooperation which is a sensitive issue for all global powers nowadays. The trip will also mark the signing of important naval drone contracts which reflect the determination of Turkey to develop its defense industry.

Erdogan’s Asian visit is viewed as an attempt to gain extra miles from Turkey’s outreach policies as well as address important Turkish security interests. Turkey appears to be pursuing a straightforward strategy for adapting to the new reality and building new potential partnerships, which will serve the country’s benefits immensely, whether economically or geostrategically.

The implications of the endeavor could be considerable, especially, from the point of view of Turkey’s efforts to emerge as a prominent international and regional actor. With the building of the new relations with the Malaysia, Indonesia, and Pakistan, Turkey is likely to gain new opportunities for cooperation from which multilateral relations can be developed in the defense, trade, and other areas.

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