Smartphones: iPhone SE 4 vs iPhone 15 Comparison


 iPhone SE 4 vs iPhone 15: Which Smartphone is Better at Performance, Camera, and AI Features?

With Apple’s new releases, there has been a lot of discussions in the tech industry regarding which of the newer devices is better than the other. Let’s look at the iPhone SE 4 vs iPhone 15 as we check their performance, camera functionality, and AI parameters. 

Performance: A18 Chip vs A17 Chip

With the launch of the iPhone 15, Apple has presented its newest A18 chip that is said to enhance the performance and power efficiency to another level. Unlike the SE 4, which is expected to run on an A17 chip, the iPhone 15 comes with advanced features and state-of-the-art capabilities. Despite the A17 ranging as one of the better performing processors, it will not be able to compete with its successor. 

Camera Capabilities: A Tale of Two Sensors

The latest rumors regarding iPhone 15 claim it will come equipped with a quad camera, these configurations include a wide angle, telephoto, and ultra-wide lens that allow for stunning image capture, even in low light situations. The iPhone SE 4 is anticipated to come with much simpler features, only a dual camera configuration. Although, the lower range device will still be able to capture breathtaking images alongside stunning selfies.

AI Features: A Clash of Intelligence

Both of the devices are likely to come with Apple’s improved AI features powered by Apple, such as better facial recognition, augmented reality support, and so on. The newer neural engine of the iPhone 15’s A18 chip is bound to have its advantages in specific AI tasks, however. 

Conclusion: Which One of the Smartphones is the Best?

Even when powerful, the iPhone SE 4 is likely to be outmuscled by the iPhone 15, which features the A18 chip, quad-camera setup, and enhanced AI. For the best all round in regards to performance, camera capabilities, and AI, the iPhone 15 is ideal. Those more cost conscious, or wanting a more pocket friendly phone, would appreciate the SE 4. In the end, everyone's decision comes down to choices and personal needs.

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