Pope Francis Slams Trump's Immigration Policy as 'Disgrace

 Pope Francis criticizes Donald Trump’s attempt to build a wall with immigration policy because it misses the underlying needs of the people and populates discrimination against immigrants ¹ ². The Pope believes that immigrants need to be dealt with on a humane basis with dignity, irrespective of their status. 

Pope francis slams Donal trump

Pope Francis has most recently spoken concerning mass deportation. In such cases, he argues, where a mass deportation is necessary, many men, women and entire families are stripped off their sensible pride that they possess in abundance ³. The Pope went ahead and urged American Catholics to abandon the rightist anti-immigrant sentiment and instead espouse an attitude of fraternity that is unconditional, if not universal.

Such statements by the Pope are expected coinciding with large deportation plans by Trump that attract bitter protests from both aid agencies and religious leaders. Chicago’s Cardinal Blase Cupich has also denounced the plans stating them to be “deeply disturbing” ¹.

Throughout his papacy, Pope Francis has argued the case for actively upholding migrant rights. Furthermore he has argued that it is the duty of governments to focus on integrating migrants and the cause of migration as a whole. This particular statement serves best as condemnation of Trump’s immigration policies and a beacon of hope to Catholics globally.

Important Points To Note:

Pope Francis’ Statements In regards to Trump’s Immigration Policy: “The Pope said Trump’s immigration policies are a disgrace and has asked Catholics to refrain from discriminatory narratives directed towards migrants.” 

Effects of mass deportations: Pope Francis emphsizes that ‘mass deportations are against human rights’, though some put it in a sophistic way. Many men, women, and children would certainly be let vulnerable and defenseless. 

Other Points To Consider: The Pope has implored US Catholics to turn their backs on the right wing’s anti immigration policies and instead foster an unparalleled and unconditional fraternity.

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