North Korea's ICBM Missile Threatens US


 The Pentagon is in Code Red Alert: Kim Jong Un Now Has the Ability to Strike Anywhere in the US

North Korea has officially entered the arena of a military superpower after successfully testing an ICBM capable of reaching any state of the US mainland within a matter of minutes. The Pentagon has let out a shocking “red flag” indicating a possible overt strike in the near future. This “simulated” missile test has alarmed the rest of the world, particularly the US, which has started aggressively maintaining a military presence in the Pacific. 

Reports indicate that the missile was tested on a lofted trajectory and had a range of over 15 thousand kilometers which poses as a credible threat to US soil. Additionally, the missile blast off was marked by a successful reentry of the Earth’s atmosphere. This step brings North Korea one step closer to executing a nuclear attack on the USA.

Although the missile launch did not pose an immediate threat and the US army confirmed neither posed a danger to the allies of the US, the quick pace of North Korea’s progress on their ICBM program certainly calls for concern.

The US and allied countries are now in a rush to react to the increasing challenge from North Korea that was brought to light by the recent missile tests. This development alone has pricked the ears of the media leaving the UN Security Council with no option but to schedule a meeting instantly. Along with discussing the test, the US has raised motives for tightening the sanctions which seems to be the best course of action due to impact the test creates.

This sitaution is seriously unpredictable and both the US and North Korea continue to fault one another. The detractors of detente clearly think this will have adverse consequences for international order and peace.

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