Man Who Robbed Good Samaritan Found Dead in Prison Two Months After Conviction

Robber Found Dead in Prison After Attack

 A man who was convicted for mugging a Good Samaritan is found dead in prison just two months after serving the sentence. Simon Kubalik, 20, assaulted and mugged a man he had offered to help at Leeds on Harehills Lane when he requested a ride to St. Albans Road from the driver. He reached the driver several times on the face, injuring him and rendering terrible damage that necessitated surgery. Kubalik then stole the purse and telephone of the driver before leaving the scene.

Kubalik was identified by CCTV and was arrested by the police. In October, he was found guilty of the crime in court. In November, he was sentenced to six years in prison and was fined £228. He was at HMP Doncaster. Kubalik, however, was found dead in his prison cell on January 16.

In reply to that, the Prisons and Probation Ombudsman launched an investigation into his death in a view of getting to know the cause. According to a spokesman, due to the ongoing inquiry, nothing further could be said at this point of time.

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