India-US Trade Deal on Horizon

 US President Trump Suggests Excellent Trade Agreement For India And US


In other news, it was reported that United States President Trump remains optimistic regarding a possible trade deal between India and US. This remark surfaced after an interaction with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Modi and Trump had met together.

With these statements, Trump is indicating an improved economic relationship between two major economies. A trade agreement between the two countries would prove to be prosperity for both nations in terms of international trade and investment. 

The talks held between Trump and Modi were viewed positively as an effort to eliminate trade disputes that have existed with unfriendly relations between the two economic superpower countries. The US and India governments has always had issues regarding trade where India seeks more opportunities in the US market while the US also wants Deals with India.

Apart from other issues, this trade deal could include both countries' tariffs, cross border investments and even foreign direct investment through the recently set up domestic firms in India. Such trade deals will also assist the Nation of India to speedily grow as it is currently facing economic growth challenges.

The implementation is witnessed as a significant milestone for Modi government which has been pursuing a robust agenda to strengthen relations with the US. The Modi government would certainly value a trade deal as it would increase his chances of winning the next general election.

In any case, Trump's declaration has fostered greater optimism on the possibility of a new chapter in trade between India and the US. There is still a long way to go, but this certainly begins a process of better economic relations between both countries.

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