India - Modi Attacks Congress Over Dynastic Politics in Rajya Sabha

Modi Slams Congress for Dynastic Politics

 Prime Minister Narendra Modi today sharply criticized Congress in a scathing attack, terming it as a family-centric organization that serves the interests of a select few. Addressing the opposition's criticisms during the President's address in the Rajya Sabha, Modi targeted Congress for operating like a family organization. He blamed Congress for not believing in the all-round development of the country and stated that it was only serving one family instead of the people as a whole. He also said that Congress was unmindful to leaders such as Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, who held that no vigorous endeavor or desire existed among them, in floating his idea of justice and equality among all sections of people.

Modi said that Congress had undermined the idea of freedom of speech by enforcing an Emergency in the past, which he claimed had greatly harmed the country's democratic fabric. He expressed that the Congress had a wrong mindset that everyone's development was tied to their political agenda. Modi stated that they were never working towards the welfare of the nation, but were rather always seeking to remain in power for themselves. He stated that when Congress was in power, their political policy was all about appeasement of the elites and forgetting the interests of the commoners.

The Prime Minister also elaborated on how Congress had suppressed the OBC community and deprived them of a voice in the political scenario. He argued that the country's constitution was founded on equality and could not be confined to serving any one party's political interest. He pointed out that Congress's long history of neglecting the welfare of marginalized communities, including their treatment of Dr. Ambedkar, stood as a stark contrast to the inclusive development agenda of the present government.

Modi specifically mentioned the Emergency period that Congress had enforced and the following suppression of dissent, including jailing several political figures and activists. He said this was akin to the present political climate, which, according to him, was characterized by an open and inclusive approach to governance, with a focus on development for all citizens. He concluded with the statement that though Congress had concentrated on power for its own family, the present government is committed to a platform for everybody to thrive without any social or economic background.

Besides this, Modi also talked about the political scenario during the time of worker protests in Mumbai and linked them to the actions of Congress of suppressing protests and dissent. He postulated that the same Congress that had repeatedly demonstrated an unwillingness to accept new thought against their position on political power opted for social justice when they could not shut the viewpoint down. His view was that by setting aside such alternative viewpoints, Congress had set the nation back in its progress, as experienced during the Emergency.

Ultimately, Modi’s speech painted a picture of Congress as a party that was more interested in preserving its dynastic rule than in fostering national unity and development. By drawing comparisons with historical incidents, he aimed to remind the nation of the consequences of a leadership that sought to suppress voices of dissent and failed to prioritize the country’s holistic development.

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