India Deportations: Flights to Land in Amritsar


 Amritsar to See Arrival of Deported Indians Over the Weekend

The notice that deported Indian nationals from the United States will be arriving on flights to Amritsar on Saturday and Sunday is indeed timely. In an organized manner, steps to bring back Indians who, for whatever reasons, have overstayed in the US is being efficiently taken. 

A particular American airline has been commissioned to operate these flights. The US immigration offices have detained a hefty amount of Indian citizens, and this flight will ensure thier safe return. Likewise, the Indian government is also learning forward and doing thier part by working alongside US officials, which has been the need of the hour.   

The Sri Guru Ram Dass jee International Airport will see the arrival of these deported people and will be met by Indian immigration officials alongside other dignitaries. Upon receiving them, the authorities will also treat them with adequate relief like food, shelter and medicine if required. 

The India government has, with no delay, planned the response to take care of the foreign Indian nationals, especially the ones who are at risk of being sent back. Efforts such as creating a 24x7 contact center to assist Indians in dire need overseas and coordinating with the governments in other countries to facilitate unemcumbered outbound migration has been made.

The arrival of these carriers in Amritsar is a vital component in the attempts by the government to repatriate its citizens who have been living abroad without valid documents. More flights will be able to move deported Indians in the next few days.

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