Warning Symptoms of a Heart Attack While Exercising: Don't Turn a Blind Eye to These Red Flags
Healthy exercise is required to have a healthy heart. But with growing alarm, an increasing number of heart attacks while exercising, particularly in the gym, is happening. It is important to pay attention to warning symptoms of a heart attack in order to react immediately and save lives.
Learning about the dangers
Although exercise is good for the heart, it may also cause a heart attack in certain people. This is usually because of existing health conditions like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or coronary artery disease. Other factors such as overexertion, dehydration, and inadequate warm-up or cool-down procedures may also be involved.
Identifying the Warning Signs
It is important to know the warning signs of a heart attack while exercising. They can be:
Chest Pain or Discomfort: A sense of pressure, tightness, or pain in the chest that may spread to the arms, back, neck, jaw, or stomach.
Shortness of Breath: Trouble breathing or feeling winded even during mild physical exertion.
Dizziness or Lightheadedness: Dizziness or faintness, particularly when standing or changing positions.
Cold Sweats: Cold sweats, even in a cold room.
Fatigue: Severe tiredness or weakness, even after resting.
Pain or Discomfort in the Arms, Back, Neck, Jaw, or Stomach: Pain or discomfort in these regions that could be associated with the heart.
What to Do in Case of a Heart Attack
If you or someone you know is feeling any of these symptoms while exercising, it is essential to act right away:
Stop the Activity: Stop exercising immediately and rest.
Call for Emergency Services: Call the local emergency number (like 102 or 108 in India) and inform them about the symptoms.
Provide CPR (if trained): If the individual is unconscious, not breathing, or unresponsive, provide CPR if you are trained to do so.
Provide Comfort: Attempt to keep the individual calm and comfortable until medical assistance arrives.
Prevention is Better
Although it is important to know the warning signs of a heart attack, prevention is always better than cure. To reduce the risk of a heart attack during exercise:
Consult a Doctor: Always consult your doctor before beginning any new exercise routine, particularly if you have a pre-existing medical condition.
Warm Up and Cool Down: Warm up prior to commencing your exercise routine and cool down afterward to avoid extreme changes in heart rate and blood pressure.
Stay Hydrated: Stay hydrated by drinking water before, during, and after your exercise routine to avoid dehydration.
Listen to Your Body: Should you feel anything that hurts or causes discomfort at any time throughout your workout, stop and rest.
In being mindful of the signs and symptoms of a heart attack and taking precautions against them, one can reduce their chances of getting a heart attack while exercising and remain healthy and safe.