Gold Reserves: Top 20 Countries Revealed


 Global Gold Reserves: Top 20 Countries Unveiled

The charm of gold has been mesmerizing humans for centuries, and its worth keeps on rising. As a form of wealth and an indicator of economic strength, gold reserves are crucial to a country's fiscal well-being. The top 20 countries with the highest gold reserves were recently unveiled, and the findings are intriguing.

The United States Leads the Pack

At 8,133.5 tonnes of gold, the United States leads the pack, holding about 78% of its foreign exchange reserves. The reserves of gold in the United States amount to over $200 billion, making it the world's largest gold holder.

India Ranks 8th

India, being the history of gold trade in India, comes in at 8th place, with a gold reserve of 607.5 tonnes. This represents about 6.5% of the foreign exchange reserves of India. The value of India's gold reserves stands at more than $35 billion, reflecting the increased economic power of the nation.

Top 20 Nations

Below are the top 20 nations with the biggest gold reserves:

United States - 8,133.5 tonnes

Germany - 3,363 tonnes

Italy - 2,451.8 tonnes

France - 2,435.5 tonnes

China - 2,168.5 tonnes

Switzerland - 1,040 tonnes

Japan - 765.2 tonnes

India - 607.5 tonnes

Russia - 590.3 tonnes

Turkey - 478.5 tonnes

Taiwan - 423.6 tonnes

South Korea - 393.9 tonnes

Spain - 281.6 tonnes

Austria - 280 tonnes

Netherlands - 247.2 tonnes

Belgium - 227.5 tonnes

Philippines - 196.3 tonnes

Singapore - 192.6 tonnes

Sweden - 172.7 tonnes

Poland - 164.5 tonnes

The World's Total Gold Reserves

Estimates show that the global total gold reserves are about 35,000 tonnes, worth more than $1.5 trillion. Most of the gold is stored by central governments and established banks, with a smaller amount being owned by institutions and private investors.


The top 20 countries with the highest gold reserves ranking is a useful indicator of the world economy and the strategic value of gold in ensuring economic stability. With the increasing demand for gold, it will be interesting to observe how these rankings change in the future.

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