China Responds Firmly to Trump's Trade War Escalation

China Challenges Trump’s Trade War Measures

 In the ongoing trade conflict, neither side emerges victorious, with severe violations of international laws being highlighted. Donald Trump's decision to escalate the trade war has been met with opposition from China. Just hours after Trump's announcement, China made it clear that it would take countermeasures to protect its legal rights and interests.

In its public statement, China said it would defend its position with both legal and regulatory means; it promised necessary action to protect its interests. The statement also underlined that such trade disputes benefit no one and kill both the United States and China.

Beijing replied that trade wars do not pay, and in fact, those confrontations damaged the economies engaged. Besides that, China criticized that such steps would not address the U.S. economic troubles. Moreover, the ministry made some remarks concerning synthetic opioids such as fentanyl, stating Beijing had already strengthened its control mechanisms on the manufacturing and trafficking processes of such substance. It agreed to cooperate with Washington on efforts such as increasing pressure on China, advocating a human-centric approach to solving problems at the world level.

However, China censured Washington's unilateral application of tariffs following U.S. retaliatory trade measures, condemning them as the breach of World Trade Organization regulations and an exaggeration of world trade tensions.

It is the second time, with China as well as several other countries encountering the threat, when Trump's administration has carried out trade threats.

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