Just like in 2021, Canada is looking to conduct its federal elections in a similar manner this 2025. Their system for electing a new Prime Minister is quite unique, and divides well, allowing for a simple balance of power. Here is a look at it.
The Elections
Every four years, the citizens of Canada are required to vote for representatives in the House of Commons. Canada has a winner-takes-all approach which means that the party in power is the one which occupies the most seats in the House of Commons, and thus its leader becomes the Prime Minister. It is a simple system that relies heavily on first past the voting system ¹.
The Players
The Govenor General: The Govenor General is central to any election in Canada as they are the ones who annul Parliament, publish the writs for elections, and induct the new Prime Minister.
The Prime Minister: The Prime Minister is the leader of the winning party and thus the one who occupies the most seats within the House of Commons. The Prime Minister is responsible for selecting their cabinet ministers and therefore rules over the country.
The main competitor to the ruling party which occupies the second highest number of seats in the House of Commons gets dubbed the Official Opposition. This party serves as an essential check to the ruling party of the country.
Procedure For Electing A President
The Evidentiary Process: The first step commences with The Govenor General calling off the session of Parliament and thus begins the election process.
Campaigning: Candidates and parties campaign throughout the country to share their vision and policies for the nation.
Voting: Canadian citizens exercise their right to vote and choose representatives to fill the seats in the House of Commons.
Seat Allocation: The political party that wins the most number of seats in the House of Commons is responsible for forming the government.
Prime Minister Appointment: The leader of the winning party is named the Prime Minister by the Governor General.
What's Next?
As Canada prepares for its federal elections, citizens will be granted an opportunity to take part in decision making to help shape the future of the country. The process of elections is made in a way that will guarantee a non-violent change in government, while the successor Prime Minister will have to deal with relevant issues in the country.