Asteroid Threat Looms Large in Space


 Asteroid Threat Looms: Potential Collision with Moon In 2032

Astronomers across the globe have set eyes on asteroid 2032 as it is predicted to collide with Moon someday during the following decade. Currently, the asteroid poses a low risk but its diameter ranges between 20 to 30 meters long which makes its risk value highly unpredictable. To add to the concern, the energy it could release on impact ranges from that of an atomic bomb to far more destructive. 

Furthermore, the possibility of collision is still up for debate, but in order to prepare for the worst, astronomers have started closely tracking the asteroid and adjusting its orbit for better calculation of whatever risks might come to fruition.

In case it does collide with Moon, the tremendous energies it wields makes it immensely dangerous. It stands a great chance of shattering the asteroid to bits and pieces, making a new crater in the process and inflicting significant damage to the surface of Moon at the same time. 

For right now, it is vital to monitor NEOs tracking telescopes so as to make sure they stay clear from attack positions. Previously sighted threats and risks make the need to countermeasure them obvious. This can be achieved through the use of computers that predict the trajectories of these celestial bodies.

Although the odds of a crash happening are still regarded as low, its potential outcomes certainly pose a risk. While experts keep observing the course of the asteroid, the rest of the planet will be waiting hoping that this menacing object will glide smoothly past the Moon without any mishaps.

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