Tresa Motors VO.2 Electric Truck Unveiled

electric truck

Tresa Motors vo 2 Electric Truck Revealed New electric truck is coming; Features are many

Manorama writer

Published: April 13, 2024 09:49 AM IST

Read 1 minute

Image Credit: Official Page

Indian electric vehicle manufacturer Tresa Motors has launched the VO.2 electric truck. Tresa has launched their VO.2 electric truck as a prototype model. Tresa Motors is trying to launch this electric truck in the Indian market in 2026.

Tresa VO.2 comes with a Centralized Computing Unit (CCU) to improve security and performance. A typical modern electric vehicle's control system consists of hundreds of ECUs (Electronic Control Units). A 300kWh battery is used in Tresa VO.2. Tresa has also introduced technology for this vehicle to charge from 10 percent to 80 percent in just twenty minutes. The range is 350 km.

Image Credit: Official Page

The VO.2 uses an IP69 rated battery pack. The battery modules can be customized according to the vehicle load and range. The seat is given to the driver in the middle. The VO.2 will be built on the Flux 350 platform. Flux 350 helps to increase the efficiency of the battery and keep it from overheating. The maximum speed is 120 km per hour.

Tresa Motors is trying to launch the VO.2 at a price competitive with other trucks, with lower fuel and maintenance costs compared to regular ICE vehicles. We are delighted to present VO.2. This is a vehicle built on Delta engineering philosophy. Tresa Motors CEO Rohan Shravan informed that we have repeatedly tested every part of the vehicle that is used on the road.

Tresa VO.2 will also have a telemetry system to collect data from different parts of the truck while it is running. This information is then analyzed and used to improve the performance of the vehicle. Tresa Motors is a Bengaluru based company founded in 2022. Trucks in Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) category ranging from 18 ton to 55 ton will be manufactured.


Tresa Motors vo 2 Electric Truck Revealed

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