Tesla has once again starred in a controversy on social networks with the Cybertruck after an owner changed the original wheels for 30-inch ones.
The Tesla Cybertruck is one of those vehicles that you love it or hate it and one owner has decided to add more fuel to the fire by adding 30-inch wheels. Social networks have been filled with comments stating that it is ridiculous, other users think that they fit the aesthetics of this pick-up.
The Cybertruck's suspension architecture has certain limitations and it is not an easy task to innovate in terms of wheels and tires. The company Omar's Wheels and Tires of Dallas (United States) has designed a 30-inch wheel that it has called Parlante design by Forgiato.
The owner of Omar's Wheels and Tires, Corey Jones, has assured Car Scoop that the parts are manufactured by the Versatyre company. The tires might be a little narrower than the original ones, but Tesla lovers say they fit this electric car perfectly.
Elon Musk has assured that Tesla has some restrictions regarding the dimensions of the Cybertruck's wheels and tires. The company's CEO has warned that increasing the size of wheels and tires can pose a danger to drivers. Everything indicates that the final aesthetic has not been so radical in terms of diameter and total width.
Social networks have been filled with negative reactions
The Cybertruck jumps from controversy to controversy on social networks, from YouTubers who test its bulletproof body to comments from people who have detected up to 25 critical errors in two days.
These wheels end up being a status symbol, but they have garnered the first negative reactions. Experts say that they can pose a danger to driving since there is less tread that will withstand the impact against the asphalt. Other users believe that the vehicle could have trouble even climbing a curb without damage.
The tone of the wheels is somewhat lighter than the matte finish of the Tesla, but many users have expressed that they are the perfect complement. Safety has taken a backseat and some say they don't use the vehicle enough to worry about the long-term consequences.