One Vehicle, One FASTag: Simplifying Toll Payments


One FASTag per vehicle; How to change, know more One Vehicle, One FASTag' Norm Implemented One FASTag per vehicle; As the change, know more

FASTag was introduced in the country with an aim to reduce congestion at toll plazas. Now National Highways Authority of India has also implemented the concept of One Vehicle One FASTag from 1st April. One FASTag per vehicle scheme has been introduced with an aim to end the use of one FASTag for more than one vehicle and the use of one FASTag in more than one vehicle.

What is FASTag?

FASTag is a system that helps you pass through toll plazas easily. Vehicles equipped with FASTag do not need to pay directly at the counters. Instead of this, the money is collected directly from the vehicle owner's FASTag account electronically through the FASTag stickers placed on the vehicles. A technology called Radio Frequency Identification or RFID is used for this.

How to use FASTag?

Using Fastag is simple. Paste the FASTag sticker on the windshield of your vehicle. It is linked to a separate prepaid account. When your vehicle reaches the counter of the toll plaza, the FASTag sticker will be scanned and the payment will be collected. FASTag account balance message will be received on FASTag connected mobile phone. The required amount can be easily recharged through digital payment websites etc.

Why One Vehicle, One Fastag?

The National Highways Authority has received complaints that more than one FASTag is being used for the same vehicle and FASTag is being allowed without providing KYC information. The National Highways Authority has implemented a FASTag scheme for one vehicle considering that granting FASTag without providing KYC information is a violation of RBI norms. Sometimes there is a long queue of vehicles at toll plazas due to vehicles with FASTag affixed deliberately wrongly. The solution to all this is the advent of a FASTag scheme per vehicle.

Current change

The new changes of FASTag came into effect from April 1. Now separate FASTag is mandatory for each vehicle. If the KYC information including your name and address is not in the FASTag account, it will stop working from 31st January 2024. So if you are a regular toll road user, it is a good idea to check if your FASTag is working.

Do you have KYC information on your FASTag?

If you do not have enough KYC (Know Your Customer) information in your FASTag, you will be notified via email or SMS. But there is a high chance that such messages will go unnoticed. So you have to login to website. After that KYC information will have to be updated. It takes up to 7 working days for the KYC information to be updated. If there are any problems with the documents you provided or if the KYC information is not updated due to any other reason, this will be known through SMS and email.


One Vehicle, One FASTag' Norm Implemented

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