Monkeys Conquer: Rise of the Ape Dynasty

Ape Dynasty

Monkeys conquering the world! The dynasty they establish, the message they raise World-conquering apes! The dynasty they establish, the message they raise

Manorama writer

Published: April 12, 2024 07:39 AM IST

Read 1 minute

Planet Of Apes Movie Poster

The Planet of the Apes series is a series of films that have captured the imaginations of audiences around the world by harnessing the auspicious possibilities of animation and creating a powerful story and remorse. The story of a chimpanzee named 'Caesar', the hero of the apes, was shown in the last 3 films of this series.

20th Century Fox

The trailer of Kingdom of Planet of the Apes, a new version of these films, which is a classic example of sci-fi movies, is out. This suggests that the plot of the film is about apes gaining dominance over humans. This trailer is viral on social media.

Planet of the Apes is not a new movie franchise. The first film in the series was released in 1968. The first 6 movies don't tell Caesar's story. More than just a movie, Planet of the Apes is a direct reflection of the great confusion that ruled zoologists.

There have been debates and debates over time whether great apes, described as the most intelligent creatures after humans and our closest relatives in evolution, should be considered as mere animals or should be given the same status as humans.

Although they are described as tailless monkeys, great apes are very different from monkeys. The great apes are the closest relatives of humans, separated in the process of evolution. Chimpanzees, gorillas, bonobos and orangutans are the main apes. They are known as Great Apes. They are more similar to humans than monkeys.

Apes are facing massive exploitation. Home to chimpanzees, gorillas and bonobos, the Congo River is a region of turbulent politics. Illegal hunting and animal trafficking are rampant here. Recently mining activities have also affected them a lot.

There are those who argue that great apes should be given equal status and human rights due to their intelligence and kinship with humans. This campaign is known as Great Ape Personhood. Richard Dawkins and others are its users. Orangutan is the only group of apes that is native to Asia. These are more in Indonesia.

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