Mexico Ends Diplomatic Relations with Ecuador

embassy raid

Quito: Mexico ends diplomatic relations with Ecuador. Police raid Mexican embassy in Quito Former Vice President Jorge Glass of Ecuador, whose wife was seeking asylum, was arrested. The action is to continue what St has done. Glass Ecuadorian executives convicted twice in corruption case He has been in the Mexican Embassy since December on charges of torture. It was coming loose.

Glass was offered political asylum and the state could leave. Mexico needs Ecuador to create a safe passage Ministry of Foreign Affairs has informed. But the Special Forces, wearing bulletproof vests and helmets, Last night, he entered the embassy by force and arrested Glass. It was Yuka. At the same time, Ecuador is a sovereign state and a criminal Before the raid, the President had stated that he was not alone. However, the act of trespassing on the embassy Violation of time and Mexico's sovereignty Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez O. Brador said.

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