Google's Incognito Mode Data Controversy

Incognito Mode

Incognito mode searchers to know, Google waived crores of compensation How to incognito mode searchers to know, Google waived crores of compensation

Those who believed Google's word and put incognito mode in Chrome and searched 'privately', the information that should be known is now coming out. Google has admitted that incognito mode wasn't really private and that it collected search data. Google has now agreed to remove data collected through Chrome's incognito mode. Google's action follows a case filed in 2020 demanding compensation of five billion dollars (about Rs. 41 crores). The Wall Street Journal reports that Google has agreed to remove the information to avoid paying large sums of compensation.

In June 2020, the complaint that Google is using the personal information of billions of customers by mistake will reach the court in the United States. Google Chrome introduced a feature called Incognito for private browsing. The basis of the complaint was that Google is keeping the information of searches and other things done under the understanding that the information is not being shared.

Google's position

Google has taken a position in the legal battle from the beginning. Google reiterated that it does not use data from the Incognito tab to serve ads to private individuals or otherwise. A Google spokesperson responded that such a complaint is baseless and Google is only happy to remove the data of customers who have never used it. A Google spokesperson also indicated that no compensation had to be paid.

(Photo by Kirill KUDRYAVTSEV / AFP)

Correction by Google

Earlier this year, Google made a major change in the description of the Incognito tab. 'Private Browsing' has been replaced by 'Browse More Privately'. Google's move came before it removed billions of data collected through the Incognito tab. Along with this, third party tracking cookies have also been blocked in the Incognito tab. This also ensures that information collected through private browsing sessions is not passed on to private advertisers.

What just happened

Google may be able to get out of the case without paying huge damages by removing the data. At the same time, the court has clarified that individuals can approach the court pointing out the loss they have suffered. The case has been adjourned to June 30 for further hearing. There may also be attempts to reach a settlement from Google's side.


This legal action ensured restrictions on the use of third-party cookies in incognito mode searches for the next five years. Cookies are small files used by advertisers for the purpose of showing advertisements to individuals that are tailored to their interests. Incognito mode will now block third-party cookies by default. Earlier, Google has stated that efforts to remove cookies from Chrome are in progress within two years.

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