Predict Calls with Truecaller: Call Alerts Feature


Truecaller can cut the call before it comes Call Alerts Help Predict Calls Before Ringing Manorama Online|Tech ampada kema… true color, can cut before the call comes

Representative Image credit: Rembolle/Istock

Truecaller is trending irregularly on social media. Looking at what happened, one use of the Truecaller app was trolled by someone and shared by others, the reason why Truecaller is now viral. What is that use?

'Future Predicting System' – You can know in advance that someone will call and cut that call. Knowing in advance who is calling can help us in various situations. When you see the alert, you can either silence your phone and get away, ignore the call or move to a quiet place if you want to talk. And then a not-so-good idea. You can also put it in flight mode. Isn't that how it is?

When a Truecaller user calls, a notification appears on the phone before the call connects or rings. As soon as the call is made, it uses data or Wi-Fi to securely send an alert from the caller's phone to the phone.

Representative image. Photo By: Georgijevic/Istoke

Being faster than the standard cellular network, the notification arrives first before the actual call. These features require permission to work. Also note that call alerts can be disabled at any time in the settings section of the app.


Call Alerts Help Predict Calls Before Ringing in Truecaller

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