BMW 2024 BEV Conquest Program: Electric Car Price War Escalates

electric cars

Although it has been a long time coming, the price war on electric cars started by Tesla is a reality. Many brands have joined in offering discounts on their zero-emission models and, as they say, “anything goes in war.” Thus, neither short nor lazy, a German manufacturer offers extra discounts to buyers who come with an electric car from another brand.

This is BMW, which has launched its program called 'BMW 2024 BEV Conquest Program' with which, openly, it wants to steal customers from other brands that are direct competitors.

The reward is simple, $1,000 (the program is only for the United States at the moment, something logical since advertising campaigns there can be more aggressive than in Europe) additional discount for any buyer who has an electric vehicle from one of the following brands and switch to BMW:

Audi Ford Mercedes-Benz Polestar Porsche Tesla Rivian Lucid Volkswagen

In some brands the offer is valid for any of the models, but in others it is limited only to some specific cars. This is the case of both Volkswagen (the offer is only valid for owners of an ID.4) and Mercedes (only for the EQB, EQE and EQS).

Furthermore, the jump cannot be to any BMW electric car; in order to benefit from the extra discount, the model being purchased must be a BMW i4, BMW i5 or BMW iX. A priori it might seem that it is only for the most expensive models of the German brand, but with the BMW i7 left out of the equation, it seems that this is not exactly the criterion.

It must also be taken into account that this offer is cumulative, that is, it is combined with the discounts and rebates that the manufacturer already offers for the mentioned models.

In this way, the i4 can accumulate a total discount of up to $8,500, while in the case of the iX the final savings can be up to $10,000.

With this measure, BMW wants to match the cost of its models to that of its rivals, since in general terms they are somewhat more expensive than the peers of its competitors. In some cases it will achieve this (especially with respect to other European brands), but the difference will continue to be notable in others, as is the case of the Tesla Model 3 or Tesla Model X.

Of course, the program has its limits, mainly two. The first is that it seems to only be available for markets in the west of the country, so those interested in the east coast cannot benefit from it. The second is that those who want to take advantage of it will have to hurry, since the offer will only be available until April 1.

Despite this, it seems like a good strategy to grow in a sector of electric cars that in the United States is taking off even more slowly than in Europe, and the fact is that there the urban centers are more separated from each other and the taste is for more compact cars. big.

Source: CarsDirect

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