Faraday Cage for Tesla Cybertruck: Shield Against EMP

Faraday cage

The pick-up, safe from electromagnetic pulses.

The Tesla Cybertruck is one of the fashionable cars, a wave that many companies hesitate to jump on to gain relevance. Take Mission Darkness for example, a company that you have probably never heard of, but which has just launched a cover to protect the vehicle from any type of electromagnetic pulse.

What are the chances that the Tesla will be the victim of an EMP? Surely very low, but that is from the point of view of someone conventional, not from that of the so-called 'preparationists', who are the ones for whom the product is directed and who are the ones who prepare for when a catastrophe occurs.

And what can cause an EMP? Mainly military weaponry, but it could also derive from natural situations such as a solar storm or a nuclear bomb.

Although in such cases everyone will have better things to worry about (surely), whoever wants to protect their Cybertruck and not let it get left “fried” now has an option at their fingertips to achieve it.

According to the manufacturer's website, “it is made entirely of multiple layers of fabric and TitanRF Faraday tape with no exposed seams (no holes) and 100% continuous planes. “These materials are conductive and are laboratory certified for their high shielding capabilities against RF signals.”

In Christian, what does that mean? Which “blocks WiFi (2.4 and 5 GHz), Bluetooth, mobile signals, including 5G networks, GPS, RFID, NFC and radio signals from low MHz to 40 GHz.”

The objective, as we mentioned at the beginning, is to make the Cybertruck completely isolated from the world in order to avoid any computer attack that tries to access it to hack it, extract information, etc.

The way to achieve this is to create a Faraday cage that cuts off any type of signal from the outside, a security measure that is quite common in other elements, such as card holders so that they cannot take money from us using a contactless device or in boxes to leave the car keys and that thieves cannot steal the vehicle.

In addition, its creators claim that it is also ideal for blocking remote software updates, in case the user does not want Tesla to modify their vehicle. The idea may seem good, but it seems that it will go to waste when the vehicle is used, since it will not go with the store on its back.

Now, that security has a price and, as one might expect, it is not exactly cheap: it costs 13,915.95 euros.

This is the most expensive Mission Darkness product, we assume due to the size of the tent, which is larger than almost any other conventional vehicle, which requires the use of a greater amount of materials.

For reference, they also offer one that is not specific for the Cybertruck, which costs a little less, 8,811.95 euros, while they also have specific models for motorcycles that, given their small dimensions, are more affordable, being available for 2,736. 95 euros.

With this Faraday tent/cage, the Tesla Cybertruck will be protected against possible catastrophes, although its owners seem more concerned about more real and day-to-day problems, such as the rust that easily appears on the bodywork.

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