Rising Trend of Single Women in China

single women in China

Beijing: It is reported that the number of women who remain single in China is increasing. Chai Wan, a freelance copywriter from Xi'an, China, told Reuters that it is better to follow the current trend in a country. Chai Vanoru said that life without a husband or children is better.

Women in previous generations lost their careers by getting married. They had never been happy in their lives. Vanoru says that life alone is better.

Meanwhile, China's birth rate has been falling for the past two years. President Xi Jingping had come to the scene with a warning. China's birth rate was at an all-time low.

At the same time, the number of educated women in China is increasing. Along with this, increasing unemployment and setbacks in the economic sector are forcing women to choose a single life, according to the assessment of the Chinese Communist Party.

The number of unmarried people over the age of 15 in China will rise to 239 million in 2021. In 2021, the Communist Youth League conducted a survey in this regard. 44 percent of these women said that they are no longer interested in getting married.

The marriage age has also increased in China. In 2010, the average marriage age in China was 24, but in 2020 it has increased to 28.

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