Putin Links Crocus City Terror Attack to Radical Islamists

Crocus City attack

Moscow: Russian President Vladimir Putin said that radical Islamists were behind last week's terrorist attack in Crocus City, near the Russian capital Moscow. He said that some questions are yet to be answered.

“We know that the attack was carried out by radical Islamists,” he said at a meeting called to outline the steps taken after the terror attack.

He said that they have understood who carried out the attack but they are trying to find the answer to the question of who ordered the attack.

Putin also stated that powers including the US are trying to make Ukraine have no role in the attack. Putin said that some questions are still not answered.

Putin asked that certain questions need to be answered and whether radical Islamists are interested in attacking Russia.

“Why did the terrorists go to Ukraine immediately after the attack? Who was waiting for them there, and who benefited from this attack?” Putin asked.

He added that he wanted the investigation into the terror attack to be conducted objectively and impartially.

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