Ranking of Electric Cars in Spain: Top Cities for Sales

Electric cars

The city where they are sold the most is far from the second in registrations.

This is the ranking of electric cars in Spain, and the 5 cities where they are sold the most. Despite the voices that warned of the notable drop in sales of electric cars, the sale of this type of model continues to boom, with growth that is maintained. Although of course, not in all cities.

In 2023, the number of registered vehicles increased to reach 949,259, which represented an increase of 16.7% compared to 2022. And within this number of cars and the growth, were electric cars, which also enjoyed a rise.

Electric cars continue to sell at a good pace, the only problem is that they are not selling at the rate of the rest of the countries in the European Union. And we are still far from the average of the rest of the countries in the same organization of countries, which exceeds 20%.

Sales of electric cars had a percentage of 5.4%, a figure that rises to 11.9% if we count hybrid vehicles. And among all the sales we are going to analyze the cities that bought the most electric cars, according to data from Zunder, one of the operators with the largest number of charging points in Europe.

Madrid is the first city in the ranking with 4,087 registrations last year, a quantity much higher than the vast majority of cities in the country. Although it is the most populated city, it is also the one with the most restrictions for combustion cars.

Thus, in second position we find Barcelona, ​​which with 1,617 new electric cars is very far from the figure achieved in Madrid. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria follows with 960 cars, a surprise considering the number of inhabitants of the island.

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The top five capitals are closed by Valencia, with 776 vehicles, and Palma, with 664 cars. It is curious how Madrid has more than 2,000 registrations from the second city in the ranking, and more than 3,000 units sold of electric cars from the rest, a notable difference.

Of course, as you know, the big beneficiary of the increase in sales was Tesla, since one in every four electric-powered cars sold in our country was from this brand. They managed to sell more than 13,000 new cars, highlighting their Model 3 and Model Y, with more than 6,000 units sold of each of them.

Following Tesla, but with a big difference, is MG with 6.7% of the market share, and in third position is Citroën with 6.4%. The fourth position is occupied by Peugeot with 5.9% and the fifth position by Mercedes with 5.4%. The undisputed winner is Tesla.

Norway continues to be the country with the most sales of electric cars. In this region, one in every three vehicles that circulate on its roads is electric, with a market share that reaches up to 82.4% according to 2023 data. This exceeds 90% if we add plug-in hybrids.

The country of Norway has more than 24,000 charging stations and since 2010, aid for the purchase of electric cars has increased. According to data, 2% of the national budget has been spent on aid for the purchase of electric cars.

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