Footage Revealed: Killing of Khalistan Terrorist Hardeep Singh Nijjar


Own correspondent

Ottawa: Footage of the killing of Khalistan terrorist Hardeep Singh Nijjar is out. The Canadian media CBC News released the footage nine months after the murder. It was also reported that Nijjar's was a completely planned murder. Canada has accused India of involvement in the murder. India's National Investigation Agency (NIA) has branded Nijjar as a 'terrorist on the run'.

Six assailants and two vehicles are seen in the footage. Nijjar was killed on June 18, 2023 near the Guru Nanak Sikh Gurdwara in Surrey, British Columbia. The footage of Nijjar's murder was captured on the Gurdwara's CCTV camera. Earlier, the Washington Post released a 90-second footage of Nijjar's murder.

Just as Nijjar is leaving the gurudwara's parking lot in a gray truck, a white car pulls up. The car moved forward parallel to Nijjar's truck. The car sped along with the speed of the truck. The moment the truck had to enter the same lane as the car, the car sped up and stopped across Nijjar's vehicle. The assailants jumped out of the car and fired at the driver's seat of the truck. After that, it is clear in the footage that the accused escaped in another car.

Six people fired 50 times at Nijjar. 34 bullets penetrated Nijjar's body. In a statement to the Canadian Parliament, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said that there was credible evidence against India in the murder. India's position is that it has nothing to do with Nijjar's murder.

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