Japan's Shift: Exporting Fighter Jets Signals Military Policy Change

Japan fighter jets

Tokyo: After World War II, Japan has abandoned its approach of keeping a distance from war and military dealings for decades. Japan's cabinet has approved a deal with Britain and Italy to export new fighter jets.

In addition to countries with which the country has signed peace agreements, the aircraft will also be transferred to countries where there is no current conflict. It has also been decided to double the current military expenditure by 2027. It was decided in December 2022 to build new fighter jets named 'Tempest' in collaboration with two European countries. The first planes will hit the market in 2035.

Immediately after World War II, Japan adopted a constitution that opposed war and the use of arms to settle international disputes. The constitution still does not recognize the army. Instead, they exist as a self-defense mechanism. The country also banned arms exports. It was relaxed for the first time in 2014.

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