Made-in-India Honda Elevate Launched as WR-V in Japan

Honda Elevate Japan

Indian made Elevate in Japan, name WR-V | Made-in-India Honda Elevate launched in Japan as WR-V

Manorama writer

Published: March 24, 2024 03:14 PM IST

Read 1 minute

Honda has introduced the Indian-made Honda Elevate in Japan. Honda introduced the SUV in Japan under the name WR-V. This is the first time that Honda Cars India Limited is exporting a model from India to Japan. Takuya Sumura, President and CEO, Honda Cars India Limited said, “It is a proud moment to launch the 'Made-in-India' Elevate in Japan as the WR-V.

What changes?

The Japanese model has the same look as the Elevate in India. But there are minor changes in the interior. The interior of the Elevate is a black and beige combination while the WR-Vick has an all black interior. There will also be changes to the infotainment system.

Honda's mid-size SUV Elevate hit the Indian market in early September. The vehicle comes in four models with petrol, manual and CVT gearboxes. Built on the same platform as the Honda City, the vehicle has a 1.5 liter petrol engine. The maximum power is 121 hp. A 7-speed CVT automatic gearbox is paired with a 6-speed manual gearbox.


Made-in-India Honda Elevate launched in Japan as WR-V

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