Google's Gemini AI Struggles with Image Generation

Gemini AI

Gemini is a chatbot introduced by Google to compete with OpenAI's ChatGPT in the AI ​​arena. However, Google is now catching up because of Gemini. Gemini's image generation tool, which creates images according to user suggestions, is a headache for Google. Google had to temporarily stop the tool due to defects in the images being produced.

Introducing Gemini last year, Google CEO Sundar Pichai called it 'the best model of Google AI'. However, since February this year, people started using it and the criticism started to rise.

The American tech giant was slammed on social media as “racist” by users who claimed the AI ​​chatbot refused to project a white image. When asked for a picture of German soldiers in World War II, he was given a picture of an Asian woman in a German military uniform. When asked for a picture of the Pope, a picture of a black female pope was also made' – this is how Gemini's mischief goes. The tech giant faced a lot of criticism when it started giving results that were contrary to the instructions given.

World billionaire Elon Musk also came out against Gemini. He criticized Google's AI chatbot over a response about Musk. The question was whether Hitler or Musk had the most bad image in the world. Gemini responded that it is difficult to say who is more because both have created a bad image for different reasons. In response, Musk responded that Google had created a 'crazy, vernacular and anti-progressive AI'.

Meanwhile, Google is set to relaunch its Gemini AI image generation tool in the coming weeks. Demis Hassabis, CEO of Google DeepMind, announced plans to reintroduce the bugs after fixing them.

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