Biden Announces Airdrop Aid for Gaza Crisis

Gaza crisis

Washington: US President Joe Biden announced that food items will be airdropped to Gaza. It was announced on Friday that the US is preparing to airdrop food items. The previous day, 115 people were killed in Israeli firing on people waiting for food supplies.

This raised a strong protest against Israel all over the world. The US has also been criticized for its support for Israel. Meanwhile, Biden has announced that he will provide assistance to Gaza.

Biden said the US would airdrop food supplies into Gaza in the coming days. Countries like Jordan and France have been airdropping food to Gaza. More must be done for Gaza. The U.S. will do that, Biden said at the press conference.

Meanwhile, experts say that airdrop cannot solve the problem. So far, airdrop has not been a complete success anywhere. The opinion is that to solve the current crisis, we need to open the borders and bring aid to Gaza.

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