Google Bans Matrimony Apps

Matrimony Apps

New Delhi: Some apps including Bharat Matrimony and matrimony apps have been banned from Google Play Store. The action has been initiated in the name of dispute related to payment of service fee. Google has stated that many organizations that are doing well despite benefiting from the Play Store are not paying the fees and action is being taken against 10 companies.

Alphabet Inc has issued notices to, the parent company of Bharat Matrimony apps, and InfoEdge, which operates Jeevansati, for violating Play Store rules. Company officials responded that they are reviewing the action. After Google's action, there was a fall in the shares of

Company founder Murukavel Janakiraman said that Google has removed Bharat Matrimony, Christian Matrimony, Muslim Matrimony and Jodi from the Play Store. The company termed this action as 'Black Day of Indian Internet'.

According to Google, only 3% of India's 200,000 apps have service fees.

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