Passenger Disrupts Flight by Throwing Coins

Flight disruption

Beijing: One of the passengers threw coins at the engine of China Southern Airlines flight CZ 8805. Then the flight was disrupted for four hours. The flight was traveling from Sanya in southern China to Beijing. The incident took place on March 6. Police arrested the passenger. The flight was scheduled to depart on March 6 at 10 am local time. Following the incident, the flight took off at 2.26 pm.

The passenger was seen by the flight attendant tossing the coins towards the engine. When asked about this, the passenger said that he had thrown four or five coins. No further information is available about him.

The officials stated that due to the inappropriate behavior of the passenger, the flight was inspected to ensure safety and throwing coins into the engine would seriously affect the flight. This is not the first time Chinese airlines have faced such problems. Passengers have thrown coins at the engine of the plane in the same way in the past as a sign of auspicious journey. Similar incidents were reported in 2021 and 2017.

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