Concerns Over India's Citizenship Amendment Act

Citizenship Amendment Act

Washington: The United Nations and the United States have expressed concern over the controversial Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA). The UN has stated that the law is fundamentally discriminatory. The United States has expressed concern over the CAA notification and is monitoring how the law will be implemented.

As they said in 2019, they are concerned. Because the CAA is fundamentally discriminatory in nature. “It is a violation of human rights obligations that India must comply with at the international level,” the UN spokesperson said, according to news agency Reuters. He added that it will examine how the law affects international human rights norms.

A US State Department spokesperson told Reuters that they are concerned about the March 11 CAA notification. It is being observed how the law will be implemented. He added that the right to freedom of religion and equal treatment of all communities under the law are basic democratic principles.

The U.N. and the United States have expressed concern amid growing protests in the country against the controversial Citizenship Amendment Act, which grants citizenship on the basis of religion. Around 250 petitions have reached the Supreme Court demanding that the controversial law to grant citizenship to non-Muslims who illegally immigrated to India from Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Bangladesh on or before December 31, 2014, was unconstitutional and should be repealed in 2019.

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