Elon Musk's 'X' Super App Introduces Video and Audio Calls

Elon Musk super app

‘X’ with video and audio calls; Now Elon Musk’s super app! ‘X’ with video and audio calls; Now Elon Musk’s super app!

Many controversies, name changes and the emergence of threads, but Musk is proving that he is not far behind the concept of a super app through the new ‘X’ (Twitter) updates. The important change that everyone has been waiting for is coming to X’s customers. From now on everyone will get audio and video calling service.

Earlier the calling system on X was limited to premium customers only. Now everyone can make direct video and audio calls to friends and family. Instead of using multiple apps for multiple purposes, Musk aims to have one super app for everything.

Image Credit: kovop/Shuttestock

This service can be set up

Open the X app

∙ Tap on profile picture

∙ Select Settings and Privacy.

∙ Go to Privacy and Security menu

Tap on the Direct Message option.

∙ Set up audio and video calling

Works with iOS CallKit API so incoming call can be seen on lock screen like normal call. Even when it was on premium, some customers had complained about calls from unknown people. New updates have introduced who can call, or completely bypass the calling system.


Audio and video calls are now rolling out on X

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