US Supreme Court to Rule on Trump's 2024 Ballot Eligibility

Trump 2024 ballot

Washington – Both parties are holding primaries to find the Republican and Democratic presidential candidates. 1968 delegates from various states to win the Democratic Party nomination and 1215 delegates to win the Republican nomination. President Joe Biden has won 91 delegates in the Democratic Party from the primaries and caucuses held so far. No one else could win a single representative from the party.

In the Republican Party, former President Donald Trump has so far managed to get 63 delegates, former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley 17 delegates and Florida Governor Ron De Santis, who has now withdrawn from the race, 9 delegates. Haley said she has no problem backing down, even though she is far behind Trump.

Meanwhile, the Colorado Supreme Court initially ruled to remove Trump’s name from the ballot. Some other state Supreme Court judgments followed. Trump’s appeal of the rulings to the US Supreme Court is ongoing. Some of the questions raised by the Supreme Court justices during the hearing were favorable to Trump. Chief among them was the observation that state court rulings could affect subsequent court cases. Nearly fifty state Supreme Courts in the United States observed what would happen if a candidate’s name were removed from the ballot.

The constitution and the election laws allow the addition of a name in the absence of a name on the ballot. Biden’s name was not on the New Hampshire Democratic primary ballot. Still, Biden’s name was written in by supporters and cast 80% of the vote. It is not a difficult thing to write down the names of the voters who are determined in this way. But the time loss and confusion that can be created is conceivable. There is no telling what the US Supreme Court ruling will be. Let’s wait for the verdict.


US Supreme Court to consider if Trump should be in 2024 ballot

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