It depends on the levels and the region.
Everything surrounding Tesla generates expectation, which makes the documents that Business Insider colleagues have had access to most interesting: the salaries of Tesla factory workers.
The first thing you notice is that the company structures its employees into seven levels, each with a different salary, as well as in three regions that vary the price per hour depending on the cost of living in each area.
Thus, they earn between 22 and 39 dollars per hour, that is, between about 20.4 and 36.2 euros, according to current exchange rates), with the factories in Austin (Texas) and Sparks (Nevada) receiving the lowest salary. and those of Fremont and Palo Alto (California), which have the highest.
In all regions, workers earn more than the minimum established by the state, which in California is $16 an hour (almost 15 euros), in Nevada it is $10.25 an hour (9.52 euros) and in Tejas is 7.25 dollars per hour (6.73 euros).
The quickest way to see it is with the following table, which details the hourly wage by region and level:
In addition, there is also the Cyber Wallet, a system of bonuses that can be exchanged for various items.
Thus, the worker can exchange them for 20 hours of paid time off at the employee’s current hourly rate, for receiving a long-term cash award, or for restricted stock units and stock options.
Being able to opt for both the promotion from one level to another and the bonuses is something that is done every six months and depends on two factors. The first are the company’s economic results, although the document does not specify what objectives must be met or what state the company should be in at that time.
The other depends on the performance of the workers. Tesla carries out recurring evaluations of the performance of its employees, since every six months it speaks with those responsible for the different areas so that they can evaluate the performance of the different workers under their charge with a score from 1 to 5.
In this way, by obtaining three stars you are eligible for improvement, while if you receive a score of four or five the employee is susceptible to receiving a larger bonus.
Fear of layoffs at Tesla
The leak of the salaries of Tesla factory workers appears just a few days after rumors about a possible wave of layoffs within the company came to the fore.
And, instead of the evaluations already mentioned, when it was time to carry out the last one, what they did was directly ask if each worker is critical to the operation of the company. This has generated some insecurity, although the firm has not commented on the matter.