US Military Authorized to Counter Pro-Iran Forces in Iraq and Syria

Tensions in Iraq

Washington: The US media reported that the military has received the permission of the US President to attack the pro-Iran military units in Iraq and Syria. Three soldiers were killed and more than 30 injured in a drone attack on a US military base in Jordan.

The US accuses pro-Iranian militias in Iraq of being behind it. US military bases in Iraq and Syria have been attacked several times. The US military chief said he was waiting for the White House’s permission to retaliate. Iran has stated that it was not involved in the attack on the US camp. Meanwhile, it is reported that Iran has decided to withdraw its army from Syria.

War will not start, retaliation will be heavy – Iran

TEHRAN: Iran’s President Ibrahim Raisi has said that Iran will not start a war, but if anyone wants to threaten it, it will give them a strong response. “The United States has previously said that military action is under consideration. However, it is now said that there is no intention to clash with Iran. Iran’s military might in the region has not threatened any country. On the contrary, Iran is a power that ensures security that countries in the region can trust and rely on,” he said in a TV interview.

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