Tesla Model Y Leads Electric Car Sales Surge

Tesla Model Y

All this despite the fact that sales of this type of car, according to some manufacturers, are not going through their best moment.

This is the brand that has exploded sales of electric cars at the beginning of 2024. And all this despite the fact that sales of this type of car, according to some manufacturers, are not going through their best moment. A statement that is not entirely true if we look at the macro data, which reflects the opposite.

Registrations of electric cars and plug-in hybrids closed 2023 with an increase of 47.2%, reaching 116,590 units. These are data collected by the Business Association for the Development and Promotion of Electric Mobility (AEDIVE) and the National Association of Vehicle Sellers (GANVAM).

Of course, the majority of them continue to be plug-in hybrids, with more than 60,000 units registered in 2023. Although pure electric cars are increasingly closer to these numbers, since last 2023 more than 54,000 new electric passenger cars were registered in our country.

This represents a growth of 73.4% more than the previous year. This figure doubles the previous year’s mark, which closed with a growth of 31.5%, numbers that do not agree too much with what many manufacturers stated, who speak of a slowdown.

In this way, electric sales have doubled in just two years, since last year twice as many electric cars were sold in Spain as in 2021. So, 27,676 electric cars were sold in our country. And of all of them, there is one brand that has been constantly repeated.

This is the case of Tesla, which despite the fact that it closed the year in a disappointing way for its investors, does not stop selling models as if they were churros. Specifically, there is a model that continues to record sales, being the fashionable electric SUV: the Tesla Model Y.

The Tesla Model Y is on its way to becoming one of the best-selling cars in history, with more than 1.23 million units sold. In this way it has risen to the first step of the best sellers in the world, a record for an electric car that is positioned ahead of popular SUVs with a combustion engine.

And according to ANFAC data, sales of electrified models have increased in January by almost 11% compared to December, finding Tesla models among the best sellers once again. The curious thing is that the Tesla Model 3 has sold more than the Model Y, which as we said was the most popular.

Among the best-selling cars of January we find two Teslas, as we say, surpassing their rivals by a wide margin. The Tesla Model 3 sells more thanks to the launch of the new model in September, without this having affected the price. A price that is below 40,000 euros.

The Model 3 has been the best-selling electric car of January by a wide margin, registering 737 units sold. After this, we find the Model Y with 343 and the MG4 Electric with 167. If we compare the sales of the Model 3 with those of the MG4, the first non-Tesla on the list, we are talking about a notable difference.

If we add the sales of the Model Y and those of the Model 3, they exceed 1,000 units. And now, if we compare them with those of the MG, we find that Tesla sells six times more than this brand. Not bad for the Californian…

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