New Oscars Category: Best Casting Director Award


The Oscars, the world’s biggest film award, now have a new award category. The governing body of the Oscars has decided to present the award to the best casting director from 2025.

The committee considered that ‘casting’, where actors are selected and so on, is very important in film production. In 2001, the committee list was not updated after the addition of the Animation Film Awards category. The proposals for this were before the committee for a long time.

“Casting directors play an important role in film production, hence the new decision,” the organizers said. Academy CEO Bill Cramer and President Janet Yang said in a statement: “We are proud to add ‘casting’ to the Oscars.”

Meanwhile, the Oscar statuette, which has been awarded for more than two decades, has also undergone some changes. The new statue winners will be presented at the 98th annual ceremony honoring films released in 2025.

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