Rising Teenage Crime Concerns: Teacher Stabbed in London Incident

Teenage Crime London

London: What has happened to teenagers in Britain is now a major concern. A teacher has been seriously injured in a brawl with schoolchildren and has been hospitalized amid rising rates of crime involving teenagers. Staff at Sharman’s Pharmacy in east London say the 40-year-old teacher was stabbed in the back when he entered the shop.

The police were called at 5.25pm ​​following a stabbing on Woodgrange Road in Newham. The woman, who works as a dispenser at the pharmacy, said he ran into the store screaming that he was a school teacher, that he had been stabbed and that he needed help. There was blood all over the ground. He was stabbed in the back.

The pharmacy staff informed the police. An employee of a health center across the road also came to help. Emergency personnel arrived immediately and the victim was hospitalized, the pharmacy staff said.

According to some reports, some of the attackers were in school uniform. It had been only two weeks since the person who had been stabbed had started working as a teacher at the school. Gulzarim Iqbal, a physician at the Lord Lister Health Center across the road, said he was working outside when he heard commotion. Iqbal said it appeared to be an argument between a man and a group of children.

He says he thought it was just a normal argument. But he said that suddenly he heard a scream and went down to the road to find out what had happened. By then the group of children had left the place. When he got there, he saw a crowd in front of the pharmacy and there was blood all over the ground.

Meanwhile, the person who got stabbed says that he is a teacher. He says that since he has only been working there for two weeks, he doesn’t know all the children. Some of the attackers were in school uniform. The teacher said that he was stabbed with a long knife. However, the weapon used in the stabbing has not been recovered yet. Iqbal also said that the person who was stabbed was a man of African origin, aged around 40 years.

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