Saudi Arabia's Stance on Israel: Recognize Palestinian State

Palestinian statehood

Riyadh: Saudi Arabia will not have diplomatic relations with Israel unless it is ready to recognize an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital based on the 1967 borders. The Saudi Foreign Ministry’s policy statement comes amid ongoing talks between Saudi Arabia and the United States on the path to Arab-Israeli peace.

Saudi Arabia has announced to the US administration that it will not have diplomatic relations with Israel unless it ends the attack on Gaza and withdraws its forces from Gaza. Saudi Arabia’s position on the Palestinian issue is firm and consistent. The just rights of our brothers, the Palestinian people, must be won. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also stated that Saudi Arabia is firm on that position.

The United States called on the international community, particularly the permanent members of the Security Council, which have yet to recognize a Palestinian state, to move as soon as possible to recognize a Palestinian state along the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital. The Palestinian people can achieve their just rights so that a comprehensive and just peace can be achieved for all, the statement said.

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