Rishi Sunak's 2.2M Income and Tax Disclosure

Rishi Sunak income

LONDON – British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s income last year, including salary and business, was 2.2 million pounds (about 22 crore rupees) and he paid 508,308 pounds in taxes. This information has been specified in the tax document released by the Prime Minister’s Office yesterday. His salary and other benefits as Prime Minister was £432,884. It paid £163,364 in taxes. In addition, he paid £359,240 in capital gains tax on an income of £1.8 million from an American investment fund.

This is the second time that Rishi Sunak has made his income and tax information public after taking over as Prime Minister in October 2022. He had previously put this before the public in a similar manner last March. He released the figures for the three years before he became the prime minister.

Rishi Sunak is one of the wealthiest MPs in the British Parliament who gave up a good job to enter business and then into politics. Rishi Sunak’s wife is Akshata, the daughter of the Indian IT giant Infosys founder Narayana Murthy. The 2023 Sunday Times Rich List says that if they add up their assets, they will be worth £523 million.


Rishi Sunak Earned More Than 2.2 Million Pounds Last Year

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