Bumble's Deception Detector Thwarts Fake Profiles

Fake Profiles

Fake profiles on the dating app Bumble have been tricking users of the app. People will give information and age in profile which has nothing to do with reality. AI will help identify spam accounts and fake profiles that mislead people. The new tool, called Deception Detector, will take action before users see false content.

Bumble found that this tool can block 95% of accounts it detects as spam or scam accounts. In the first two months of testing the tool, Bumble found that user reports of spam, scams and fake accounts dropped by 45 percent. Deception Detector currently works with Bumble’s human moderation team.

The company says the system is being used to ensure a safer internet experience for members, as fake profiles have proliferated. According to a Federal Trade Commission (FTC) report, dating scams will cost victims nearly $1.3 billion in 2023.

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